JP for the House cookies

My friend Karen has baked JP for the House cookies for a Democratic function tonight! Aren't they GREAT?
I and my campaign committee have been thinking up campaign-related stuff, like slogans, give-aways, etc. and Karen thought of house-shaped cookies for campaign events. This is the inaugural batch!
They'll debut tonight. I'm so proud! The JP for the House cookies will surely trump chips 'n' dip.
I love that they're so creative and clever! (So is my friend Karen. What's more, Karen's the one who oh-so-patiently TAUGHT ME TO KNIT!
Yay, Karen!
I'm sorry, fellow knitters/bloggers, that I didn't have a knitting project to post today, but I am knitting! The purple celtic braid sweater is coming along, and so is the heather sage cardigan back. That one's taking longer than I expected, but I have to campaign, and that takes precious knitting time away!
Thanks for the messages, Secret Pal! I think of you all the time. I have your wonderful postcard on my desk, right by my computer monitor. I see it many times a day. Thanks for spoiling me!
They are very cool, hope you did well at the function?
Secret Pal
Just stumbled across your blog! I love the cookies! Great idea! Good luck on your campaign!
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